228 BOTANY. lower leaves ovate, often slightly cordate at base, upper ones lanceolate undulate on margin; inflorescence paniculate; racemes few-flowered, termi¬ nating the branches; stamens 3, exserted; fruit 5-angled or winged, club- shaped ; flowering racemes short, but much elongated when in fruit (378 a, Arizona, Loew). PHYTOLACCE^. RiviNA* LJ3VIS, Linn.—Herbaceous above, sub-shrubby below, branch¬ ing from the base; stem striate and with the leaves puberulent; leaves broadly ovate or ovate-cordate, on slender petioles half their length; flowers purplish; calyx-lobes ovate, as long as the four stamens; anthers oblong; filaments thickish; style 1-2" long, somewhat curved; stigma capitate, obhque, distinctly papiUose.—In clefts of rocks, Southern Arizona (582). POLYGONACEiE, By Peof. T. 0. Poetee. Eeiogonum alatum, Torr. (Sitgreaves's Rep. p. 168, t 8).—Perennial; root stout and blackish; stem erect, 1 to 3 feet high, arising from a short, thick caudex, clothed with the remains of leaves, subflexuous, leafy; branches alternate, erect, paniculate; radical leaves spatulate or oblanceo¬ late, 2 to 4 inches long, 3 to 5 lines wide, hirsute; peduncles terminal, in threes; flowers yellowish; involucre solitary, campanulate, 5-cleft; peri- gonia glabrous, segments equal; achenia 4 lines long, winged nearly to the base; wings broad, thin; seeds ovate, triangular.—Colorado, 1873, Wolf (806); WiUow Spring, Arizona, at 7,195 feet elevation, 1874, Rothrock (204). Eeiogonum Jamesii, Benth—Stems 5 to 12 inches high, csespitose, from a branched, few-leaved, woody caudex ; radical leaves spatulate-ovate or narrowly lanceolate, cauline in verticils of 3 to 5, spatulate or oblong, * EiviNA, Plum.—Flowers hermaphrodite, 3-bracted; calyx 4-parted, the equal lobes suh- coroUine. Corolla none. Stamens 4-8, sub-hypogynous, the 4 exterior alternate with the lacinisB of the calyx. Filaments filiform-subulate. Anthers ovate-cordate to narrowly oblong. One-celled ovary simple, with a siugle amphitropous ovule fixed by the base. The longish style sublateral; capitate stigma papillose; sub-globose berry at length dry. Seed vertical, sub-globose or ovoid, the testa crusta¬ ceous ; albumen central, mealy, surrounded by tbe ring-like embryo; radiclo descending; cotyledons membranaceous, exterior one larger and embracing the inner; sub-shrubby [or, as in my species, rather herbaceous, except at the slightly woody base]. Moquiu, in DC. Prod. vol. 13, pars 2, p. 10.